Common Asphalt Shingle Repairs Managed by Centennial Roofers — R4 Roofing & Exteriors

Common Asphalt Shingle Repairs Managed by Centennial Roofers

The asphalt-shingle roof is very popular for the good ratio it provides between service life and price. It is a reliable and affordable option to protect a building from bad weather, mold and fungal formations, and has resistance to temperature variations.

Centennial roofing company

Advantages of bituminous shingles

·        Affordable price

Bituminous shingles are not expensive like other roofing materials. They are not as durable either, but the price is a very important factor for people who cannot afford a premium roofing solution.

·        Easy to maintain

An asphalt shingle roof does not have special maintenance requirements.  Keeping it clean on a regular basis will do just fine.

·        Lightweight

Bituminous shingles belong to the category of lightweight roofing materials, which means that they do not affect the resistance structure, and can be installed without the need for consolidation works.

 From time to time, repairs become a necessity to any type of roof, including to an asphalt shingle roof.

The roofing material market is full of a variety of different putties, plasters, sealants, etc. Choosing quickly and correctly choose the necessary material, without having specialized knowledge in the roofing field, is not at all easy. In addition, the choice of materials depends directly on the type of work to be performed (one thing is to replace a few tiles and a totally different thing is to replace flashing or to repair gutters).

Although the repair work does not require special skills, without technical knowledge it is possible to delay the repair, and the cost of the work may increase significantly. Therefore, the best solution remains hiring a principled Centennial roofing company who will correctly identify the problems of your asphalt shingle roof and determine the necessary works and materials.