Make Sure to Keep Your Chimney Clean for Santa This Year! — R4 Roofing & Exteriors

Make Sure to Keep Your Chimney Clean for Santa This Year!

Keeping your chimney clean is a very important task that needs proper consideration on an annual basis. Roofing contractors Highlands Ranch CO pros specify that at least once a year, you need to have your chimney thoroughly cleaned and inspected for functional soundness, cleanliness and to check for harmful deposits such as creosote. 

Roofing contractors Highlands Ranch CO

An important consideration is that, if your chimney has creosote, then you should immediately call in a professional chimney sweep to handle the problem for you. Otherwise, you can typically do the work yourself. 

Depending on the type of chimney you own, the process of cleaning it can be more or less difficult. For modern chimneys, you just have to immerse your chimney filters into a solution of hot boiling water and vinegar. That combination can remove most of the soot and get your filters clean. 

If you own an old school chimney, and you need to start cleaning it from the inside, it’s important to take precaution to prevent the soot from soiling you, your clothes or the surrounding area in your home. Use a metal bristle brush for added efficiency, and take extra measures for ensuring your safety during the procedure. If you inspect the roof and notice that it’s nearly clogged and likely hasn’t been swept in a long time, it’s best to call in the pros, instead of attempting to sweep it on your own.